It is the first anniversary of the death of Nicky Blue. Avery, Bonnie, and Lucky have been dealing with the death of their sister in their own, destructive ways. Avery, the oldest, lives in England. She's a successful lawyer approaching ten years in recovery from a heroin addiction and has been the self-appointed parental figure filling in for a distant mother and alcoholic father. Bonnie is a former boxer working as a bouncer in a bar in Los Angeles. Lucky is a fashion model spiraling out of control from substance abuse. When their mother announces she is selling their New York City apartment and wants the sisters to help clean out Nicky's belongings, the three are forced to confront their anger, guilt, and grief.
Blue Sisters is a tough and often exhausting read. The sisters are in so much pain and they strike out and continually hurt each other. The one person who could have helped them, their joyful sister Nicky, is no longer there. Author Coco Mellors has created a well-done, emotional journey but it is the type of book you need to be in the mood to tackle.
Rated 3.75 out of 5 stars.
Literary Fiction.
Publication Date: September 3, 2024.
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