Cass Macklin, a twenty-nine-year-old woman, has spent the last ten years in the depths of alcoholism with boyfriend Ben McGreavy. Both victims of difficult childhoods, their life of partying comes crashing down when Ben dies. Cass finds herself alone and pregnant. She reluctantly turns to Ben’s brother Scott, who is a mid-level baseball player on the Boston Red Sox. Scott has little faith that Cass will be able to get clean and sober but agrees to help the young, homeless mother of his future niece or nephew.
Catch Us When We Fall is an emotional book which tells the journey of a woman struggling each day with her desire to use alcohol to deal with her devastating loss and her fears, with a new child on the way. She seeks treatment and support in AA on her long road to sobriety. Scott, who has dealt with his own childhood trauma in different ways, has to navigate through his new living situation. A wealthy neighbor also battling alcoholism and a friend who has been abused complicate things for Cass as her due date nears.
Author Juliette Fay has sensitively presented a story filled with despair, redemption and hope. I was very touched by this story of one woman’s struggle to find her way out of such a dark, deep hole. This is not a light read but amid the heavy subject matter, there is some humor and a real sense of humanity.
Rated 4.25 out of 5 stars.
Contemporary Fiction.
Publication Date: September 21, 2021.
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