Billy Perkins is simply a nice guy. He's living in Baltimore teaching piano in his apartment above the local music store named Charm City Rocks. He co-parents his 18-year-old son Caleb with Robyn (they'd never married) and her husband Aaron. Life is good and predictable. Until he meets former rock star Margot Hammer, who he's had a mad crush on since she played drums in Burnt Flowers, an all-female rock band which had a disastrous break-up. Turns out, the two end up liking each other. A lot. Their encounter shows Billy that he wasn't quite as happy as he thought he was. And Margot, who became somewhat of a recluse, starts to remember what used to make her happy. When sightings of the two go viral and put her back in the public eye, it appears that lots of people still love Margot and want to see her playing again. How can Billy compete with that?
With a title like Charm City Rocks, you won't be surprised that author Matthew Norman's book about second chances is quite charming. It's a light, sweet and fun read. Exactly what a contemporary romance is supposed to be. Add a rock and roll backdrop and it's just the type of book I look for when taking a break from heavy books. It's been sitting on my "to be read" pile for months and I'm so glad I finally read it.
Rated 4.25 out of 5 stars.
Contemporary Romance.
Publication Date: June 6, 2023.
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