The Millers are an imperfect family. Deborah Miller was an absent mother to Beck, Ashley and Jake who were raised mostly by grandmother Helen. The father had long been out of the picture. We learn the backstories of the three children. Each are dealing with their own issues and resentments. Now they have to deal with the death of their grandmother Helen. The death brings the estranged family together.
Helen’s will states that her house goes to her daughter Deborah and the balance of the estate is to be split among the grandchildren with the exception of an unknown yellow diamond brooch which is to go to granddaughter Beck. While the piece of jewelry is found, it is assumed it is a piece of costume jewelry as the family had lived a modest life and the thought of a valuable piece of jewelry being in the family seemed unthinkable. In turns out that the yellow diamond is the missing Florentine Diamond. Missing since 1918 from Austria, the 137-carat treasure is worth millions.
The family seeks to find out how Helen came to own the diamond and the interesting and enjoyable unraveling of the family mystery begins. The journey leads the family back to the Austrian Empire as well as Helen’s journey to the U.S. fleeing the Nazis. While the family’s history is being revealed, the present-day family needs to deal with their own personal problems amassing.
The Imperfects is a good blend of family drama combined with historical fiction. I wish there was a little more on the history of the family and the struggles of Helen and her mother Flora. Deborah and her children are flawed characters – often unlikable. But you’ll root for the family as a whole hoping that learning about their family mystery can help each of them move on and heal.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Contemporary Fiction mixed with Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: May 5, 2020.
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