The Agarwal family is at a crossroads. Patriarch Raj (Papa) is the sole owner of PetroVision, a successful company based in Delhi. Following a stroke, his son Aseem stepped in to manage the company. Now back in good health, Papa and his wife Shalini (Mama) are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on their eldest daughter Myra's private luxury island off the west coast of Scotland. The family reunion includes daughter Aisha, Aseem, and his wife Zoe, a social media influencer crafting an illusion of an #instaperfect life. Papa has decided to retire and sell his company, leaving the children eager to know how Papa has revised his trust. Each person at the reunion harbors secrets, believing that a large inheritance will solve their problems. From the start, it is revealed that three days into the family gathering, a bloody corpse will be discovered.
The Inheritance begins as a domestic drama filled with characters each more unlikeable than the last. It's hard not to think of the Roy family from the TV series Succession and the real-life Murdoch family, whose recent headline-making exploits are more about power than money. For the Agarwal children, it's all about the money. As the story unfolds, it shifts into a psychological thriller as it gets closer to revealing who is dead and who is responsible. This slow-burn novel takes time to percolate but once everything is revealed, holy cow. And while the characters are all despicable, I found the dynamics of a wealthy Indian family quite interesting. And the description of the atmospheric setting was spot on. The island of Kilbryde is also filled with dark, buried secrets. You won't be able to put this book down.
Many thanks to Penguin Group Viking | Pamela Dorman Books for providing an advance copy.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Domestic Drama | Mystery Thriller.
Publication Date: January 21, 2025.
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