Stella, a former flight attendant and now caterer, lives with husband Adam in Atlanta. He's in the architectural antiques and restoration business. The couple, married for four years, take an exciting European vacation. While in Paris, there is a horrible explosion and afterwards, Adam is counted among the missing. The French police advise Stella that her sweet, loving husband is mixed up in some serious black-market antiques dealings and they suspect that Adam was the target of the bombing. Told in the present and past, the truth about Adam unfolds. And secrets Stella has been hiding come to light as well. Stella realizes that she is now in danger and goes on the run.
Author Kimberly Belle has created a fast-paced, entertaining story with The Paris Widow. Stella is a great character who takes control of the situation and seeks answers rather than play the grieving widow. The detailing of many locations throughout Paris gives the book a good cinematic feel. While the revelations were not particularly shocking, the action was non-stop and enjoyable. Count on Belle for a thrilling page-turner.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Mystery Thriller.
Publication Date: June 11, 2024.
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