This intriguing multi-generational, dual-timeline story starts in England 1898. Evelyn, a young woman raised in society, is swept off her feet and marries famous writer William Aubrey. While a writer herself, she is held back not only by the times but by her controlling husband, who is plagued by writer's block and resents his wife's talent. Six years later, Evelyn mysteriously disappears. In Berkeley, California, 2006, Abby Phillips, a young woman in her early thirties, continues to mourn the loss of her mother who died during the 1989 San Francisco earthquake and leads a life without direction. While she never knew anything about her father, she discovers clues to his identity and goes on a search to find him. She learns that Evelyn Aubrey is her great, great grandmother and becomes determined to learn more about her fate. Abby heads to England to visit Abbington Hall, Evelyn's ancestral home. Did William murder Evelyn as was suspected by London society, cursing all the generations to follow? Will the discovery of her family history help Abby deal with her loss?
Author Serena Burdick, when asked to describe her latest book, said, "literary scandal, mystery, betrayal and lies." The Stolen Book of Evelyn Aubrey is all that and more. I enjoyed both the gothic-style turn of the 20th century narrative as well as Abby's modern-era journey but was entranced the most by Evelyn's story. The descriptions of the settings, the deep emotions felt by the characters and the ultimate strength of the main female characters, made this a very satisfying read.
Rated 4.25 out of 5 stars.
Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: November 1, 2022
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