Beatriz Williams is one of my favorite authors. Historical fiction fans simply must read her books. Most of her books involve the fictional and engaging world of the Schuyler family. The family is included as major characters in some of Williams’ books and in others, members of the family make guest appearances. In The Wicked City Series, the main character is Geneva “Gin” Kelly, a fast-talking, free-loving flapper who we met in Book 1, The Wicked City and whose escapades continued in Book 2, The Wicked Redhead. In Book 3, The Wicked Widow, Gin is back. It’s 1925 and Prohibition continues. Anson, the love of her life, is ready to leave his job as a Prohibition enforcement special agent as lives continue to be lost at the hands of the notorious East Coast bootlegging syndicate and he’s hoping to settle down with Gin.
The story alternates and takes us to 1998. Modern-day Ella Dommerich (a member of the illustrious Schuyler family) is living in Greenwich Village in the same building Gin had resided. Ella has left her adulterous husband, father of her unborn child, and has moved in with her new love. The legacy of an old crime figure from the days of Prohibition may have impacted Ella’s world. She seeks to uncover the mystery which includes a possible connection to a presidential candidate who was once married to one of the Schuylers.
What I enjoy most about the series is the free-spirited nature of Gin Kelly and her snappy dialogue, very much capturing the feel of the 1920s. Williams clearly adores writing this character and it comes through. She’s a woman who speaks her mind and uses her sexuality in a non-apologetic way. You might not agree with everything she does, but you’ll root for her. And Ella is another appealing character who is caught in a difficult situation being pregnant by an unfaithful husband who continues to declare his love for her. I highly recommend reading all three books in the series. They are fast-moving and fun in a “don’t take this all too seriously” manner although there is crime, murder and intrigue throughout.
Will there be a Book 4? You’ll have to wait and see.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: October 26, 2021.
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I didn't read Wicked City, but I really enjoyed the Wicked Redhead. I wish I got the eARC of this from Edelweiss. Williams' writing just sparkles!